Take a balanced diet

Include lean protein, fresh fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Avoid processed and junk food.


Stick to Portion Control:

Chew your food at least 32 times; use smaller plates. You can also divide your meal instead of overeating at once.


Be physically active

150 minutes of moderate workouts are more than enough for a week. Begin with aerobic exercises like swimming and jogging.


Drink plenty of water.

Sometimes a lack of water can also be a reason behind your hunger. Drink at least 7–8 glasses of water.


Get enough sleep.

When you fail to get enough sleep, there's a hormonal imbalance. Which may result in hunger. Take 7-9 hours of quality sleep.


Stress Management: 

Cortisol is a hormone that is linked to abdominal fat storage and gets released due to stress. Practice meditation, yoga, or prayer for relaxation.


Take fiber-rich foods.

Fiber-rich foods like carrots and cucumber increase feelings of satiety and fullness.


Limit alcohol intake

Alcohol may increase belly fat, especially near the abdomen area. Limit alcohol intake.



Do not set any non-achievable goals. Always set small targets with consistent efforts.


Eat healthy fats

Always opt for healthy sources of fat, such as nuts, avocado, and olive oil, instead of junk foods.
