What Costco Weight Loss Program is all about?

This program offers customised weight loss treatment under guidance of professionals

How much does it cost?

Costco Weight Loss program costs $179 for 3 months and you'll lose 5% of your body weight as per their expectation.

List of treatments you'll get

Under this, they use injections like Ozempic® and oral tablets like Rybelsus®

How long you should take?

It depends on how much weight you want to lose. Your provider will tell you in detail about this.

Customer reviews

Overall they've got 4.8/5.0 customer ratings. That's because they're working with the best professionals.

Is it worth? 

Yes, It is worth enrolling in the Costco Weight Loss Program because they're using FDA-approved medications

Other big retailers offer big 

Walmart and Amazon launched their healthcare services in their own way. Walmart opened an offline store whereas Amazon has its own online 24/7 health consulting services.


Q; Is there any refund policy? Ans: As of now, they don't have any refund policy but in some conditions, you'll refund. For more info visit their official website.