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Can I Sleep with a Wasp in My Room? Exit them Safely

After working throughout the day, everyone needs a sound sleep, but what if an unexpected guest enters with a painful sting? Now we’re going to answer “Can I Sleep with a Wasp in My Room?” and some other questions related to it.

Why do wasps enter only at night?

Mainly, wasps are diurnal insects, which means that they’re active during the day as compared to the night, but this wasp enters at night due to various reasons.

Wasps can’t differentiate between sunlight and artificial light, and that’s one of the reasons why wasps enter at night.

However, normally beetles get attracted to artificial lights, and certain wasp species eat these beetles as food. 

Wasps also enter their homes at night to protect themselves from climatic conditions and predators.

It has been noted that heat caused by artificial light can also be one of the reasons for wasps entering homes, especially at night.

What happens if wasps enter my home?

These are the potential things that could happen if a wasp enters your home.

Accidental Encounter: When a wasp enters a home, it may cause disorientation and this may cause an accidental encounter with humans or pets. 

Chance of Sting: If a wasp feels unsafe or threatened, it may sting. This sting may cause reactions like swelling or pain.

Attraction towards food sources: Wasps can get attracted to food sources, especially sugary foods like sweets and opened chocolates.

Building nest: When a wasp enters at home, they might find a place to build their own nest. Unfortunately, if they start making nests, then there are chances that more wasps will come.

Sleeping problems: When a wasp enters a room, it may cause sleeping problems, and you might think, “Can I sleep with a wasp in my room?” and the answer is no. Later on, we are going to see what remedies you can implement to exterminate the wasp.

DIY Risk: The risk of sting might increase if you don’t have experience on how to exit wasps from home

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How do I kill a wasp?

Professional Pest Control: 

If you’re facing wasp problems at night, this might not be a solution, but if you’re facing this problem regularly, you can contact Professional Pest Control. These professionals use special insecticides so that wasps can’t enter.

A mixture of Soap and Water: 

When you mix soap and water, it forms a solution, and when it is spread on a wasp, it creates difficulty for the wasp to breathe. You can also try this solution when wasps enter at night.


Certain traps are available that catch the wasp, and it is also important to note that these traps should be kept away from living species like pets and other family members.

Bucket Method: 

There are times when wasps fall again and again. Now what you have to do is keep a bucket full of the mixture (a mixture of water and soap) under a light source and wait until the wasp falls into the water and drowns. 

Smoke Method:

 You can create indoor smoke so that wasps get disoriented and exit. Mostly, this method has been used for many years, and some villagers still use it. However, this method is risky because of fire, but if it is not effective as compared to other 

Vacuum Method: 

Using a vacuum is also an effective option to make the wasp exit without any issues. Open the cleaner bag outside the door so the wasp won’t enter again.

Cover entry points:

 It’s not confirmed that wasps enter only through windows; there might be certain cracks in the walls. To avoid entering any insect, find the loop gaps and fill them. 

Keep natural predators as pets:

 This might be an effective technique to control the wasp issue naturally. You can keep birds like lovebirds, finches, and canaries, which are some great examples of birds that eat wasps.

Keeping Citrus Peels:

 Keeping citrus peels spreads the scent of citrus flavor, which irritates the wasp. We tried this technique, and it worked. We keep 2-3 lemon peels around the window, and this works.

Will a wasp attack if I try to kill it?

In general, wasps are aggressive by nature, and when you try to kill them, there are high chance that they will attack.

Another biological thing that happens to wasps is that when you try to kill them, they release an alarm hormone that attracts other nearby wasps. These groups of wasps might attack you collectively. That’s why it is important to follow the above effective tips so that you can catch the wasp without any harm.

Preventive measures you can take

These are some preventive measures you can take so that wasps won’t enter and disturb your sleep at night.

1: Keep windows closed. Make sure that windows are closed if not needed because, unfortunately, if a wasp entered your home, it would stay for a couple of minutes or even hours. So it’s better to keep the windows closed. 

2: Turn off bright lights. Bright lights attract wasps, which is why you might see them flying around the light bulb or tube light. That’s why it is important to keep the lights off if you realize that a wasp has entered your room.

3: Avoid eatables near you: Before going to bed, make sure that there won’t be any eatables around you because they attract wasps.

4: Use a jar: It is one of the safest ways to remove the wasp from your home, but this would only work when the wasps are small.

Things that attract wasps to your room 

These are the potential things that may attract wasps to your home.

  • Sweets and foods
  • Scent
  • Open Trash 
  • Flowers
  • Fruits 

Some myths and facts regarding wasps entering homes

There are certain misconceptions regarding wasps entering your home. 

Myth: Wasps only attract to sweet foods

Fact: Wasps don’t need to gravitate towards only sweet foods; protein-based foods like meat may also attract them.

Myth: A wasp enters a home to build large nests.

Fact: The building of nests by wasps depends on their species. Some species build large paper nests, whereas some species do not make nests at all.

Myth: Wasps enter houses from their nests.

Fact: Wasps don’t need to enter homes just to build their nests; there might be chances that they are attracted to scent, light, or some sugary food.

Myth: All wasps are social and live in colonies.

Fact: Two types of wasps are found: social and solitary. Social wasps live in colonies with queens and workers, whereas solitary wasps live alone and hunt alone.

My personal experience: When a wasp enters my home.

The day before yesterday, I was preparing my favorite dish when I heard a buzzing sound near the tube light. It was nothing but a giant wasp. Suddenly, I switched off the lights in the kitchen and used a vacuum to solve this problem.

These days, this happens frequently, which is why I called pest control within a week. That’s how I solved my problem.


Will a wasp sting me at night?

No, there are fewer chances that a wasp will sting you at night.

What do I do if there is a wasp in my room?

You can use a mixture of soap and water if a wasp enters your room.

How long can a wasp live in my bedroom?

If you take preventive measures, the wasp will stay for a few hours.

Are wasps attracted to light at night?

Yes, wasps are attracted to bright light at night.

What kills wasps?

To kill wasps, prepare a mixture of soap and water that you can spray. This spray creates discomfort and kills them.

Conclusion: Can I Sleep with a Wasp in My Room?

It seems very difficult to sleep with a wasp, especially when they’re present in your bedroom. There are chances that it can sting you; that’s why we shared various preventive measures and techniques to remove the wasp from your home.

It’s better to exit the wasp safely instead of killing them. If you’re facing wasp problems frequently, you can contact pest control professionals.

Overall, we can say that it is not good to sleep at night when wasps are at home.

Thanks for reading, and stay safe.

Hello, fitness freaks! I am Saif, a professional Taekwondo athlete and black belt holder (Dan 1). I started my athletic career in 2018 and had 5 years of experience as a martial artist. My expertise is to provide advice on nutrition, rest, recovery, a balanced diet, injury prevention, and other aspects of mind-body connection.

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