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Yoga for Peace and Harmony.

We shared 7 Easy Yoga for Peace and Harmony, so let’s start.

In this stressful world, everybody wants peace of mind and harmony among peers, and yoga is the ultimate solution for a stressful life.

Yoga for Peace and Harmony

What is Yoga?    

Yoga means Connection / Unity. That’s how simple yoga is. Most people describe yoga as bending your body in certain positions, but bending your body is only one element of the entire concept of yoga.

Yoga and yoga aasan are different things.

What is a Yoga Asana?

Yoga aasan, which means holding your body in a certain position for a certain period for mental and spiritual growth, is known as yoga asan.

Different asanas are Tadasana, Shirshasana, Sarvangasan, etc.

7 Easy Yoga for Peace and Harmony for Beginners.

So, we are going to talk about both physical and mental yoga for peace and harmony.

1. Tadasana: 

Tadasana, also called mountain pose, helps stabilize our bodies. Mountain posts require conscious body stability, and this helps to calm your mind.

2. Belly Breathing: 

Some people breathe from the chest, but this technique involves deep breathing into the belly. You can do belly breathing by just inhaling from your nose and expanding your belly, holding your breath for 2 to 3 seconds, and exhaling by focusing on your belly.

3. Anulom Vilom: 

This breathing technique is also known as alternate nostril breathing. You have to first inhale from the left nostril and then after holding your breath, you have to exhale from the right nostril.

Again, inhale from the right nostril hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale from the left nostril.

It is believed that the right nostril indicates heating elements in the body, and the left nostril indicates coolness and calmness in the body.

4. Kapalbhati: 

an ancient technique that involves rapid exhalation. It has to generate heat, which comes to mind.

Stressed exhibitions also clean the respiratory system and calm the mind.

5. Savasana:

 This yoga pose involves deep relaxation and reduces stress. In this, you have to lie on your back, palm facing towards the guy, with a closed eye, and your body completely relaxed. How you can perform savasana.

6. Ananda Balasana: 

In this pose, you have to lie on your back with a gentle hip opening and face your chest. This position relaxes your hips and back and also calms your mind.

7. Viparita Karani:

 It is also known as the legs up the wall post. To perform this, you have to hold your legs vertically against the wall. This position helps to increase the blood flow to your upper body and also reduces stress.

Importance of Yoga for Peace and Harmony

1: Cultivating Inner Peace: It consists of various techniques such as breathing techniques and poster holding techniques. 

Breathing techniques include kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom. Posture-holding techniques like sarvagasan, shirshasan, matsyasan, etc.

2: Developing self-awareness: The one who practices these asanas and pranayam gradually develops self-awareness because the practitioner gets a deeper understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and actions.

3: Link between body and mind: Before doing any asan, the practitioner must involve his mind and bring awareness to his body parts. Then only Asan will give a benefit.

For example, if I want to do shirshasan, As a practitioner, I must keep my mind focused on doing shirshasan.

4: It helps develop a sense of unity: The base of yoga is unity. After some time, the practitioner gradually understands that everything is connected. This brings harmony to the world.

Also Read: – Benefits of Matsyasana

How Does Yoga Spread Peace and Harmony?

1: Improves Physical Health: Yoga involves certain poses that help improve the physical health of humans. These postures are headstand, middle stretch, single leg stand, etc.

2: Bring Awareness to Breathing: Breathing exercises and pranama help to bring awareness to breathing. Bringing awareness to the breath helps reduce stress, which leads to a calm mind.

3: Practice Mindfulness: A stress-free mind is a mind that observes everything without any judgment, and hence this leads to mindfulness. Most people learn from VTS videos and courses on how to be mindful, but just a simple breathing practice is enough for mindfulness.

4: A Way to Spread Peace & Harmony: The basis of Yoga is unity. We think that everything is detached from each other, but at the base level, nothing can survive individually. 

For example, physically, humans and trees are not connected, but to survive on earth, humans need oxygen and trees need carbon dioxide.

For example, there is a connection between body and breadth. Let’s say that when you inhale, your body gets oxygenated and nourished. When you exhale, your body gets relaxed.

Is there any other way, apart from Yoga, to Achieve Peace And Harmony?

Yes, one can achieve peace and harmony without yoga. These are:-

1. Practicing GratitudeWhen a person practices gratitude, their negative mindset shifts to a positive one. Gratitude means saying thank you for every situation, be it happy or sad, exciting or dull, adventurous or heartbreaking.

2. Spending Time with Nature: Walking in a green place, sitting near the sea, and climbing mountains are some of the activities you can do for peace of mind and harmony.

Some Asan will help to attain a Relaxed Mind.


Q. How is yoga related to peace of mind?

Ans: Yoga defines the connection between body and mind.

Q. Why is yoga important?

Ans: For peace and harmony, it is important to be self-conscious, and yoga is the tool to be self-conscious.

Q. Which yoga keeps your mind peaceful?

Ans: Kapalbhati and pranayama are two main techniques that keep your mind peaceful.

Q. Can peace of mind be achieved through meditation?

Ans:- Yes

Q. Do I need to join a professional course for harmony and peace of mind?

Ans: No, because everything is available on YouTube for free.

Q. Do I need to sleep for mental peace?

Ans: Sleeping 8 hours a day is recommended for proper mental functioning.

Conclusion on Yoga for Peace and Harmony

Our prime minister, Narendra Modi, regularly indicates how vital yoga is for humans. Yoga is a tool to bring peace and harmony among people by practicing various techniques like kapalbhati, anulom, vilom, shirshasan, sarvagasan, etc.

The word yoga means to Connect or to Unite in a Harmonious way.” We discussed above that you can understand the basics of yoga by taking the example of Breath and Body

When we inhale, our body feels fresh, and when we exhale, our body feels relaxed. That’s how we can understand the concept of yoga.

Overall, we can say that yoga is a tool to bring harmony to this society.

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Hello, fitness freaks! I am Saif, a professional Taekwondo athlete and black belt holder (Dan 1). I started my athletic career in 2018 and had 5 years of experience as a martial artist. My expertise is to provide advice on nutrition, rest, recovery, a balanced diet, injury prevention, and other aspects of mind-body connection.

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